Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Building 500 new kingdom halls?
by Coded Logic inthe wtbts has to know they aren't actually going to see their numbers significantly jump anytime soon/ever right?
are they planning on cutting the rbc down to 1/10th the work force so they can actually slow down their kh projects instead of increasing them?
or do they think their little website scheme is actually going to bring in more people?.
Coded Logic
The amount of cognitive dissonance the GB experiences everyday must be truly extraordinary. They make plans to build - only to have it fall apart. They make predictions about the end of generations - only to have them come and pass and fail. They talk about extraordinary growth - only to see their gains tapering off. They demand that brothers and sisters become more spiritually educated - only to have to dumb down their literature more and more to keep people in. They say the UN will turn on religion - only to watch it continue fighting for religious freedom. etc. -
Building 500 new kingdom halls?
by Coded Logic inthe wtbts has to know they aren't actually going to see their numbers significantly jump anytime soon/ever right?
are they planning on cutting the rbc down to 1/10th the work force so they can actually slow down their kh projects instead of increasing them?
or do they think their little website scheme is actually going to bring in more people?.
Coded Logic
I really don't understand WT "logic". Why boast about all the KH they're going to build and then cancel all projects a couple of months later?
So weird. I honestly can't make heads or tails of this.
All Gays Are Perverts
by Coded Logic in"scientists may never resolve exactly how much of a role nature and nurturing play in same-sex attraction.
but one thing is clear: all humans are born with the tendency to succumb to wrong thinking and inclinations.
--romans 3:23. a youth who desires to please god must therefore conform to his moral standards and shun immoral behavior, though doing so may be agonizingly difficult.
Coded Logic
What would be wrong with two consenting adults of the same sex choosing to have a sexual relationship?
My feelings exactly. -
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Coded Logic
Anything that begins to exist has a cause.
This is not known to be true. We've never witnessed something "begin to exist" via a cause. Causation only applies to existing materials transitioning from one state into another state (nebulae into stars, trees into furniture, etc.)
And the only thing we've ever witnessed "beginning to exist" are virtual particle pairs - which don't have a cause as far as we know.
An expanding universe must of had a beginning.
Once again, this is not known to be true. And if space-time began with the universe than saying "the universe began to exist" and "the universe has always existed" are identical statements.
People are paying attention
by Coded Logic inyes, i read pink news from time to time.
i'm a gay man.
so sue me.
Coded Logic
Makes me want to go and try and fix some other JW cartoons. -
Shooting in the foot (homophobic video)
by Syme inwith the newly released homophobic video by the wts, it gets clearer that those people can't stop shooting themselves in the foot.
they are already under examination and de facto trial by the australian committee; more and more people and officials in western democracies inquire into their abusive tactics and put them under the microscope, and what do they do?
they release a video which confirms those worries.
Coded Logic
Christianity expect men to deny this strong urge and stick to one partner for the rest of his life even though it may be very difficult. If this video were about a little girl who's school friend was upset because her parents were divorcing after the Daddy cheated on the Mommy, the JW mother would be explaining how Jehovah is against fornication and adultery and won't allow people who do that, into Paradise.
The fact that you're trying to compare fornication to being gay is truly abysmal. One is about a person being selfish and betraying their spouses trust. The other is about two people who love each other developing their relationship and cultivating a sense of trust and affection between each other.
This is the exact sort of bigotry I am referring to. It's a deep seeded intolerance towards anything that is different and an attempt to vilify it by false equivocation. Biblical pronouncements are not "standards". Their arbitrary statements without regard to human decency or the well being of sentient creatures.
People are paying attention
by Coded Logic inyes, i read pink news from time to time.
i'm a gay man.
so sue me.
Coded Logic
Yes, I read Pink News from time to time. I'm a gay man. So sue me. You have to understand the onus put on us to be fashion savvy and culturally up to date on every piece of celebrity garbage is not an easy stereotype to live up to.
Anyway, was really glad to see this on their site. Apparently the latest JW cartoon has been getting a lot of attention and someone took the time to fix it:
Shooting in the foot (homophobic video)
by Syme inwith the newly released homophobic video by the wts, it gets clearer that those people can't stop shooting themselves in the foot.
they are already under examination and de facto trial by the australian committee; more and more people and officials in western democracies inquire into their abusive tactics and put them under the microscope, and what do they do?
they release a video which confirms those worries.
Coded Logic
To me being Phobic about something, you have to have an irrational fear of it to the point that it is interupting your daily activities. It used to be that to be called intolerant, phobic or bigoted, you had to actually do something mean or harmful to someone else or be behaving irrationally.
The witnesses black and white stance on homosexuality is extremely harmful to all the gay kids growing up in organisation. They are being told that their natural desire to love and to be loved is somehow evil. They are being told by their parents that they should never be in a relationship with someone whom they're attracted to because they're parents don't want them to die in the smoke and fire of armageddon which is "right around the corner".
It that's not an irrational fear - if that's not a phobia - I don't know what is.
Understanding The Bible ... The "Linchpin" Effect
by Littleleslie inunderstanding the holy bible.. .
after many years of study of scripture, our bible study group has discovered something very important that needs to be realized or absorbed, before one can come to a correct understanding of the bible.
we call it, the "linchpin" effect... .
Coded Logic
God is not the author of confusion . . .
. . . just joking! He is really out to deceive everyone by inspiring a book no one can understand. Haha, take that humans!
NEW PEW Research data on Jehovah's Witnesses just released
by Balaamsass2 ini was expecting people who "identified" as jws to follow watchtower beliefs more closely than these pollsters report.. .
Coded Logic
Like any religion, what "is" and "isn't" a member is a bit ambiguous. The Watchtower says there are around 7 million publishers. A fair portion of these are unbaptised. And of those there is some percentage that doesn't really have a grasp on JW theology.
There are also people who are not publishers or who are inactive but still identify as JWs because they occasionally go to meetings or are studying. Their answers too will influence the stats.
Lastly, there are publishers, baptised ones, ministerial servants, elders, pioneers, etc who are trapped in the religion but no longer believe everything the WT teaches.
We don't just get to cherry pick the JWs who are toeing the party line and say "only their responses matter". We have to look at the whole picture of what it means to be a JW in various states and transitions.